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Literature and Resources

Social Work Credentialing Bodies
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
An EAGALA model approach to using equine-assisted counseling with teens suffering from depression | Equine-Assisted Mental Health Interventions: Harnessing Solutions to Common Problems | 2018 | Frederick, Karen | 10.4324/9781315164144 | |
Overview of Centers and Institutes for Human-Animal Interaction in the United States | Human-animal interaction bulletin | 2018 | O'haire, Marguerite E; Bibbo, Jessica; Hoffman, Christy L; Mueller, Megan K; Ng, Zenithson Y; Buechner-Maxwell, Virginia A | 10.1079/hai.2018.0020 | |
Social Work History & Evolution
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
How design impacts wellness. | The Healthcare Forum journal | 1992 | Ulrich, R. S. | | |
Biophilia, biophobia, and natural landscapes | 1993 | Ulrich, R.S. | |||
The Biophilia Hypothesis | Island Press, Category: Topics in Enviromental Ethics | 1993 | Wilson, Edward O. | | |
The Need to Belong: Desire for Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation | Psychological Bulletin | 1995 | Baumeister, Roy F.; Leary, Mark R. | 10.1037/0033-2909.117.3.497 | |
The Biophilia Hypothesis | Environmental Ethics | 1996 | Myers, O. Gene | 10.5840/enviroethics199618323 | |
The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals' feeling in community with nature | Journal of Environmental Psychology | 2004 | Mayer, F. Stephan; Frantz, Cynthia Mc Pherson | 10.1016/j.jenvp.2004.10.001 | |
Using thematic analysis in psychology | Qualitative Research in Psychology | 2006 | Braun, Virginia; Clarke, Victoria | 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa | |
Harnessing the Power of Equine Assisted Counseling: Adding Animal Assisted Therapy to Your Practice | Taylor & Francis | 2011 | Trotter, S. Kay | 10.4324/9780203802038 | |
The NR-6: A new brief measure of nature relatedness | Frontiers in Psychology | 2013 | Nisbet, Elizabeth K.; Zelenski, John M. | 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00813 | |
Examination of The Biophilia Hypothesis and its implications for Mental Health | Ecopsychology.Org | 2013 | Radmore, Douglas | | |
Prescribing a Dose of Nature | Alternatives Journal | 2015 | Nisbet, Elizabeth ;; Lem, Melissa | | |
Mental well-being and quality-of-life benefits of inclusion in nature for adults with disabilities and their caregivers | Landscape Research | 2016 | Jakubec, Sonya L.; Carruthers Den Hoed, Don; Ray, Heather; Krishnamurthy, Ashok | 10.1080/01426397.2016.1197190 | |
Participation in Daily Activities of Young Adults with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2016 | McCollum, Mary; LaVesser, Patti; Berg, Christine | 10.1007/s10803-015-2642-z | |
Body Awareness, Emotional Clarity, and Authentic Behavior: The Moderating Role of Mindfulness | Journal of Happiness Studies | 2016 | Tsur, Noga; Berkovitz, Nirit; Ginzburg, Karni | 10.1007/s10902-015-9652-6 | |
Economic value of parks via human mental health: An analytical framework | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 2017 | Buckley, Ralf C.; Brough, Paula | 10.3389/fevo.2017.00016 | |
Paysages thérapeutiques et animaux non-humains: les rôles et positions contestées des animaux dans les assemblages de fermes de soins | Social and Cultural Geography | 2017 | Gorman, Richard | 10.1080/14649365.2016.1180424 | |
Examining transitions from youth to adult services for young persons with autism | Social Work in Health Care | 2017 | Milen, Mathew T.; Nicholas, David B. | 10.1080/00981389.2017.1318800 | |
The eco-social approach to social work curricula – a live example | Charles Sturt University | 2017 | Thomas, Catherine; Velander, Fredrik | | |
Social Work and the Natural Environment: Embedding Content Across Curricula | Australian Social Work | 2018 | Boddy, Jennifer; Greenslade, Leia Joy; Macfarlane, Selma | 10.1080/0312407x.2018.1447588 | |
The pathways to Nature Connectedness: A focus group exploration | 2018 | Lumber, Ryan; Richardson, Miles; Sheffield, David | | ||
Predictors of quality of life for autistic adults | Autism Research | 2018 | Mason, David; McConachie, Helen; Garland, Deborah; Petrou, Alex; Rodgers, Jacqui; Parr, Jeremy R. | 10.1002/aur.1965 | |
Job searching, job duration, and job loss among young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation | 2018 | Wei, Xin; Yu, Jennifer W.; Wagner, Mary; Hudson, Laura; Roux, Anne M.; Shattuck, Paul; Blackorby, Jose | 10.3233/JVR-170922 | |
Transforming Social Work for Environmental Justice: Theory, Practice, and Education | Australian Social Work | 2019 | Bell, Karen | 10.1080/0312407x.2019.1569080 | |
Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective | Science Advances | 2019 | Bratman, Gregory N.; Anderson, Christopher B.; Berman, Marc G.; Cochran, Bobby; de Vries, Sjerp; Flanders, Jon; Folke, Carl; Frumkin, Howard; Gross, James J.; Hartig, Terry; Kahn, Peter H.; Kuo, Ming; Lawler, Joshua J.; Levin, Phillip S.; Lindahl, Therese; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Mitchell, Richard; Ouyang, Zhiyun; Roe, Jenny; Scarlett, Lynn; Smith, Jeffrey R.; van den Bosch, Matilda; Wheeler, Benedict W.; White, Mathew P.; Zheng, Hua; Daily, Gretchen C. | 10.1126/sciadv.aax0903 | |
Vitality from experiences in nature and contact with animals—A way to develop joint attention and social engagement in children with autism? | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2019 | Byström, Kristina; Grahn, Patrik; Hägerhäll, Caroline | 10.3390/ijerph16234673 | |
Outsider Privileges Can Lead to Insider Disadvantages: Some Psychosocial Aspects of Ableism | Journal of Social Issues | 2019 | Dunn, Dana S. | 10.1111/josi.12331 | |
Critical Disability Studies: Looking Back and Forward | Journal of Social Issues | 2019 | Fine, Michelle | 10.1111/josi.12344 | |
Integrating the Natural Environment in Social Work Education: Sustainability and Scenario-based Learning | Australian Social Work | 2019 | Papadopoulos, Angelika | 10.1080/0312407x.2018.1542012 | |
Capturing the Shadow and Light of Researcher Positionality: A Picture-Prompted Poly-Ethnography | International Journal of Qualitative Methods | 2020 | Kassan, Anusha; Nutter, Sarah; Green, Amy R.; Arthur, Nancy; Russell-Mayhew, Shelly; Sesma-Vasquez, Monica | 10.1177/1609406920977325 | |
Methodological and terminological issues in animal-assisted interventions: An umbrella review of systematic reviews | Animals | 2020 | Santaniello, Antonio; Dicé, Francesca; Carratú, Roberta Claudia; Amato, Alessia; Fioretti, Alessandro; Menna, Lucia Francesca | 10.3390/ani10050759 | |
The personal is professional: how U.S. social work educators’ personal relationships with nature inform their professional lives | Social Work Education | 2021 | Hudson, Jon; Koenig, Terry | 10.1080/02615479.2021.2021174 | |
EASW History & Evolution
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
The Horse: A Mirror of Man: Parallels in Early Human and Horse Medicine | NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine | 2006 | North, Michael J | | |
Animal-assisted therapy and equine-assisted therapy/learning in Canada : surveying the current stat… | University of Victoria | 2009 | Schlote, Sarah M. | | |
Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice | Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services | 2010 | Masini, Angela | 10.3928/02793695-20100831-08 | |
Talking horses: Equine psychotherapy and intersubjectivity | Psychodynamic Practice | 2012 | Siporin, Sheldon | 10.1080/14753634.2012.719744 | |
Connecting for health: Playing with horses as a therapeutic tool | Journal of Community Psychology | 2013 | Maujean, Annick; Kendall, Elizabeth; Lillan, Roquet; Sharp, Tony; Pringle, Graham | 10.1002/jcop.21547 | |
From Sport to Therapy. The Social Stakes in the Rise of Equine-Assisted Activities. | 2013 | Michelon, Jerome | | ||
A systematic review of effectiveness of complementary and adjunct therapies and interventions involving equines. | Health Psychology | 2013 | Selby, Alison; Smith-Osborne, Alexa | 10.1037/a0029188 | |
The life-changing power of the horse: Equine-assisted activities and therapies in the U.S. | Animal Frontiers | 2014 | Berg, Erika L.; Causey, Amy | 10.2527/af.2014-0025 | |
Narrative synthesis of equine‐assisted psychotherapy literature: Current knowledge and future research directions | Health & Social Care in The Community | 2016 | Lee, Ping‐Tzu; Dakin, Emily K; Dakin, Emily K; Dakin, Emily; McLure, Merinda | 10.1111/hsc.12201 | |
The state of animal-assisted interventions: Addressing the contemporary issues that will shape the future | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2019 | Fine, Aubrey H.; Beck, Alan M.; Ng, Zenithson | 10.3390/ijerph16203997 | |
Mutual Becomings? In Search of an Ethical Pedagogic Space in Human-Horse Relationships | Animals in Environmental Education | 2019 | Spannring, Reingard; Spannring, Reingard | 10.1007/978-3-319-98479-7_5 | |
Affective Pedagogies, Equine-assisted Experiments and Posthuman Leadership: | Body & Society | 2019 | Staunæs, Dorthe; Raffnsøe, Sverre | 10.1177/1357034x18817352 | |
Horse Talk: Equine Based Learning Programs and Their Engagement with Individuals. | Australian Journal of Adult Learning | 2019 | Townsend, Rob; Hood, Michelle | 10.3316/aeipt.224049 | |
Nature relatedness of recreational horseback riders and its association with mood and wellbeing | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2020 | Schwarzmüller-Erber, Gabriele; Stummer, Harald; Maier, Manfred; Kundi, Michael | 10.3390/ijerph17114136 | |
EASW Credentialing Bodies
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy: The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association’s Model Overview of Equine-Based Modalities | Journal of Experiential Education | 2014 | Notgrass, Clayton G.; Pettinelli, J. Douglas | 10.1177/1053825914528472 | |
The Significance of Space: Experiences of Arab Social Work Professionals with EAGALA Equine-Assisted Learning | British Journal of Social Work | 2021 | Moshe-Grodofsky, Merav; Alhuzail, Nuzha Allassad | 10.1093/BJSW/BCAB113 | |
EASW Examples of Populations Served
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
Equine-Assisted Intervention for People with Dementia | Anthrozo\" os | 2014 | Dabelko-Schoeny, Holly; Phillips, Gary; Darrough, Emily; DeAnna, Sarah; Jarden, Marie; Johnson, Denise; Lorch, Gwendolen | 10.2752/175303714x13837396326611 | |
Effects of equine assisted activities on autism spectrum disorder. | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2014 | Lanning, Beth A; Baier, Margaret; Ivey-Hatz, Julie; Krenek, Nancy; Tubbs, Jack D | 10.1007/s10803-014-2062-5 | |
The Helping Horse: How Equine Assisted Learning Contributes to the Wellbeing of First Nations Youth in Treatment for Volatile Substance Misuse. | Human-animal interaction bulletin | 2015 | Adams, Cindy; Arratoon, Cheryl; Boucher, Janice; Cartier, Gail; Chalmers, Darlene; Dell, Colleen Anne; Dell, Debra; Dryka, Dominique; Duncan, Randy; Dunn, Kathryn; Hopkins, Carol; Longclaws, Loni; MacKinnon, Tamara; Sauve, Ernie; Spence, Serene; Wuttunee, Mallory | 10.1079/hai.2015.0005 | |
Mentalizing and Emotional Labor Facilitate Equine-Assisted Social Work with Self-harming Adolescents | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2015 | Carlsson, Catharina; Nilsson Ranta, Daniel; Traeen, Bente | 10.1007/s10560-015-0376-6 | |
Brief Report: The Effects of Equine-Assisted Activities on the Social Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2016 | Anderson, Sophie; Meints, Kerstin | 10.1007/s10803-016-2869-3 | |
More than Just a Break from Treatment: How Substance Use Disorder Patients Experience the Stable Environment in Horse-Assisted Therapy | Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment | 2016 | Kern-Godal, Ann; Brenna, Ida Halvorsen; Arnevik, Espen Ajo; Ravndal, Edle | 10.4137/SART.S40475 | |
Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for adolescents experiencing depression and/or anxiety: A therapist’s perspective | Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry | 2016 | Wilson, Kaitlyn; Buultjens, Melissa; Monfries, Melissa; Karimi, Leila | 10.1177/1359104515572379 | |
Animal-assisted psychotherapy: A unique relational therapy for children and adolescents. | Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry | 2017 | Bachi, Keren; Parish-Plass, Nancy | 10.1177/1359104516672549 | |
Equine-assisted social work counteracts self-stigmatisation in self-harming adolescents and facilitates a moment of silence | Journal of Social Work Practice | 2017 | Carlsson, Catharina | 10.1080/02650533.2016.1274883 | |
Triads in Equine-Assisted Social Work Enhance Therapeutic Relationships with Self-Harming Adolescents | Clinical Social Work Journal 2016 45:4 | 2017 | Carlsson, Catharina | 10.1007/S10615-016-0613-2 | |
Effect of Equine-Assisted Activities on Social and Sensory Functioning of Children with Autism | Society & Animals | 2018 | Coman, Drew C; Bass, Margaret P; Alessandri, Michael; Ghilain, Christine S; Llabre, Maria M | 10.1163/15685306-12341479 | |
A space of safety: Children's experience of equine‐assisted group therapy | Child & Family Social Work | 2018 | Dunlop, Katie; Tsantefski, Menka; Tsantefski, Menka | 10.1111/cfs.12378 | |
The Nguudu Barndimanmanha Project-Improving Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Aboriginal Youth Through Equine Assisted Learning | Frontiers in Public Health | 2019 | Coffin, Juli | 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00278 | |
Case study: How horses helped a teenager with autism make friends and learn how towork | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2019 | Grandin, Temple | 10.3390/ijerph16132325 | |
Older Adults’ Perceived Benefits of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: Implications for Social Work | Research on Social Work Practice | 2019 | Lee, Kathy; Dabelko-Schoeny, Holly; Jedlicka, Holly; Burns, Teresa | 10.1177/1049731519890399 | |
Evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic horse riding for children and young people experiencing disability: a single-case experimental design study. | Disability and Rehabilitation | 2019 | Martin, Rachelle; Taylor, William J; Surgenor, Lois J; Graham, Fiona; Wmm, Levack; Levack, William; Blampied, Neville M | 10.1080/09638288.2019.1610083 | |
Healing with Horses: Pilot Study of Equine-Facilitated Cancer Therapy | Alternative and Complementary Therapies | 2019 | Murphy, Lynne; Goehmann, Brittany; Panczykowski, Heather | 10.1089/act.2019.29229.lmu | |
The impact of care farms on quality of life, depression and anxiety among different population groups: A systematic review | Campbell Systematic Reviews | 2019 | Murray, Jenni; Wickramasekera, Nyantara; Elings, Marjolein; Bragg, Rachel; Brennan, Cathy; Richardson, Zoe; Wright, Judy; Llorente, Marina G.; Cade, Janet; Shickle, Darren; Tubeuf, Sandy; Elsey, Helen | 10.1002/cl2.1061 | |
Equine-Assisted Interventions for Psychosocial Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Literature Review | Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2019 | Tan, Vanessa Xue Ling; Simmonds, Janette Graetz | 10.1007/s40489-018-0143-7 | |
Equine assisted activities and therapies in children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. | Complementary Therapies in Medicine | 2019 | Trzmiel, Tomasz; Purandare, Barbara; Michalak, Michał; Zasadzka, Ewa; Pawlaczyk, Mariola | 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.11.004 | |
Equine assisted psychotherapy among adolescents with aces cultivating altercentrism expressiveness communication composure and interaction management | Tradition | 2020 | Craig, Elizabeth A | 10.1007/s10560-020-00694-0 | |
A Program Evaluation: Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Outcomes for Children and Adolescents | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2020 | Harvey, Carole; Jedlicka, Holly; Martinez, Sandra | 10.1007/s10560-020-00705-0 | |
The Use of Equine-Assisted Programs for Nontraditional Undergraduate Clinical Pediatric Experiences | Teaching and Learning in Nursing | 2020 | Obarzanek, Lindsey; Pieper, Barbara | 10.1016/j.teln.2020.01.002 | |
How equine-assisted activities affect the prosocial behavior of adolescents | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2020 | Pelyva, Imre Zoltán; Kresák, Réka; Szovák, Etelka; Tóth, Ákos Levente | 10.3390/ijerph17082967 | |
Equine assisted biographical work eabw with individuals in the second half of life study protocol of a multicentre randomised controlled trial | Trials | 2020 | Schmidt, Julia; Wartenberg-Demand, Andrea; Forstmeier, Simon | 10.1186/s13063-020-04784-3 | |
The potential of human–horse attachment in creating favorable settings for professional care: A study of adolescents’ visit to a farm | Animals | 2020 | Törmälehto, Erna; Korkiamäki, Riikka | 10.3390/ani10091707 | |
Equine-Assisted Interventions (EAIs) for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Behavioural and Physiological Indices of Stress in Domestic Horses (Equus caballus) during Riding Sessions. | Open Access Journal | 2021 | Contalbrigo, Laura; Borgi, Marta; Santis, Marta De; Collacchi, Barbara; Tuozzi, Adele; Toson, Marica; Redaelli, Veronica; Odore, Rosangela; Vercelli, Cristina; Stefani, A; Luzi, Fabio; Valle, Emanuela; Cirulli, Francesca | 10.3390/ani11061562 | |
Perceived holistic benefits of equine-assisted therapy among mothers of children with a disability: a pilot study | Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health | 2021 | Escobar, Melody | 10.1080/19349637.2019.1621689 | |
The Role of the Horse in an Equine-Assisted Group Intervention-as Conceptualized by Persons with Psychotic Conditions | Issues in Mental Health Nursing | 2021 | Hultsj\" o, Sally,; Jormfeldt, Henrika, | 10.1080/01612840.2021.1975332 | |
EASW Theoretical Applications
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
Matching Animal-Assisted Therapy Techniques and Intentions with Counseling Guiding Theories | Journal of Mental Health Counseling | 2010 | Chandler, Cynthia; Portrie-Bethke, Torey; Minton, Casey; Fernando, Delini; O'Callaghan, Dana | 10.17744/mehc.32.4.u72lt21740103538 | |
Implications of the Literature on Equine-Assisted Activities for Use as a Complementary Intervention in Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2010 | Smith-Osborne, Alexa; Selby, Alison | 10.1007/s10560-010-0201-1 | |
Equine-facilitated psychotherapy: The gap between practice and knowledge | Society and Animals | 2012 | Bachi, Keren | 10.1163/15685306-12341242 | |
Horses, mindfulness and the natural environment: Observations from a qualitative study with at-risk young people participating in therapeutic horsemanship | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | 2013 | Burgon, Hannah Louise | ||
Equine assisted social work as a mean for authentic relations between clients and staff | Human-animal interaction bulletin | 2014 | Carlsson, Catharina; Nilsson, Daniel; Træen, B. | 10.1079/hai.2014.0004 | |
Therapist experiences of equine-assisted psychotherapy in South Africa: A qualitative study | Journal of Psychology in Africa | 2016 | Johns, Lucinda; Bobat, Shaida; Holder, Juanita | 10.1080/14330237.2016.1167333 | |
Healing the Soul Through Nature: Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy—Not Just Horsing Around | 2016 | Marchetti, Gina Marie; Peterson, Christine | |||
Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning: A Survey of Methodologies in Australia | Society and Animals | 2016 | Nelson, Angie; Signal, Tania; Wilson, Rachel | 10.1163/15685306-12341418 | |
Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: An Emerging Trauma-Informed Intervention | Advances in Social Work | 2017 | Buck, Page Walker; Bean, Nadine; De Marco, Kristen | 10.18060/21310 | |
Autism and Equine-Assisted Interventions: A Systematic Mapping Review | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2017 | McDaniel Peters, B. Caitlin; Wood, Wendy | 10.1007/s10803-017-3219-9 | |
Equine Facilitated Therapy for Children and Adolescents: A Qualitative Pilot Study | Journal of Creativity in Mental Health | 2017 | McNamara, Josephine | 10.1080/15401383.2017.1340215 | |
Autism and Equine-Assisted Interventions: A Systematic Mapping Review | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2017 | Peters, B Caitlin McDaniel; Wood, Wendy; Wood, Wendy | 10.1007/s10803-017-3219-9 | |
APPLICATION OF ATTACHEMENT THEORY TO EQUINE-FACILITATED THERAPY | Society Register | 2017 | Vincent, Aviva; Farkas, Kathleen J. | 10.14746/sr.2017.1.1.02 | |
Hoofbeats and heartbeats: equine-assisted therapy and learning with young people with psychosocial issues – theory and practice | Journal of Social Work Practice | 2018 | Burgon, Hannah; Gammage, Di; Hebden, Jenny | 10.1080/02650533.2017.1300878 | |
Ecotherapy-A forgotten ecosystem service: A review | Frontiers in Psychology | 2018 | James K Summers; Deborah N Vivian | 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01389 | |
Mental health practitioners’ strategies in equine-assisted psychotherapy: Implications for Social Work | Social Work Education | 2018 | Lee, Ping Tzu; Makela, Carol | 10.1080/02615479.2017.1378318 | |
Parent Perceptions of Psychosocial Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | 2018 | Tan, Vanessa Xue Ling; Simmonds, Janette Graetz | 10.1007/s10803-017-3399-3 | |
The Potential of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treating Trauma in Australian Aboriginal Peoples | The British Journal of Social Work | 2019 | Bennett, Bindi; Woodman, Elise | 10.1093/bjsw/bcz053 | |
Mutual interactions between cognition and welfare: The horse as an animal model. | Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews | 2019 | Hausberger, Martine; Stomp, Mathilde; Sankey, Carol; Brajon, Sophie; Lunel, Christophe; Henry, Séverine | 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.08.022 | |
Harnessing horses in social pedagogy: Equine-assisted social education in a school context | International Journal of Social Pedagogy | 2019 | Mickelsson, Ritva; Mickelsson, Ritva Kaarin | 10.14324/111.444.ijsp.2019.v8.x.003 | |
Animal-Assisted Interventions as an Adjunct to Therapy for Youth: Clinician Perspectives | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2020 | Flynn, Erin; Gandenberger, Jaci; Mueller, Megan K.; Morris, Kevin N. | 10.1007/s10560-020-00695-z | |
Advancing the Science and Practice of Equine-assisted Services through Community-Academic Partnerships | Human-animal interaction bulletin | 2021 | Beth E Fields; B. Peters; T. Merritt; Shannon Meyers | 10.1079/hai.2021.0032 | |
Equine Assisted Services Overview
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
The Benefits of Equine-Assisted Activities: An Exploratory Study | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2011 | Holmes, Christian M. P.; Goodwin, Deborah; Redhead, Edward S.; Goymour, Katy L. | 10.1007/s10560-011-0251-z | |
Equine-assisted therapy | The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development | 2011 | MacLean, Barbara | 10.1682/jrrd.2011.05.0085 | |
Equine-Assisted Therapy: An Overview | Biotherapy - History, Principles and Practice | 2013 | Fry, Nina Ekholm | 10.1007/978-94-007-6585-6_10 | |
The essence of Equine-assisted Social Work (EASW) | 2015 | Carlsson, Catharina | | ||
Equine-assisted activities and therapies: enhancing the social worker’s armamentarium | Social Work Education | 2016 | Acri, Mary; Hoagwood, Kimberly; Morrissey, Meghan; Zhang, Shirley | 10.1080/02615479.2016.1173669 | |
A Narrative Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Equine-assisted Social Work or Therapy – Addressing Gaps and Contradictory Results | Animalia An Anthrozoology Journal | 2016 | Carlsson, Catharina | | |
An umbrella review of the evidence for equine-assisted interventions | Australian Journal of Psychology | 2019 | Stern, Cindy; Chur-Hansen, Anna | 10.1111/ajpy.12246 | |
Equine-assisted therapies using horses as healers: A concept analysis | Nursing Open | 2020 | White-Lewis, Sharon | 10.1002/nop2.377 | |
Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies: State-of-the-Art Review | Nursing Science Quarterly | 2021 | Almasloukh, Khalid Bandar | 10.1177/08943184211051367 | |
Optimal terminology for services in the United States that incorporate horses to benefit people: A
consensus document. | The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 27(1), 88-95. | 2021 | Wood, W., Alm, K., Benjamin, J., Thomas, L., Anderson, D., Pohl, L., & Kane, M. | 10.1089/acm.2020.0415 | |
Title | Publication | Year | Author | DOI | Url |
The Benefits of Equine-Assisted Activities: An Exploratory Study | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2011 | Holmes, Christian M. P.; Goodwin, Deborah; Redhead, Edward S.; Goymour, Katy L. | 10.1007/s10560-011-0251-z | |
Equine-assisted therapy | The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development | 2011 | MacLean, Barbara | 10.1682/jrrd.2011.05.0085 | |
Equine-Assisted Therapy: An Overview | Biotherapy - History, Principles and Practice | 2013 | Fry, Nina Ekholm | 10.1007/978-94-007-6585-6_10 | |
The essence of Equine-assisted Social Work (EASW) | 2015 | Carlsson, Catharina | | ||
Equine-assisted activities and therapies: enhancing the social worker’s armamentarium | Social Work Education | 2016 | Acri, Mary; Hoagwood, Kimberly; Morrissey, Meghan; Zhang, Shirley | 10.1080/02615479.2016.1173669 | |
A Narrative Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Equine-assisted Social Work or Therapy – Addressing Gaps and Contradictory Results | Animalia An Anthrozoology Journal | 2016 | Carlsson, Catharina | | |
An umbrella review of the evidence for equine-assisted interventions | Australian Journal of Psychology | 2019 | Stern, Cindy; Chur-Hansen, Anna | 10.1111/ajpy.12246 | |
Equine-assisted therapies using horses as healers: A concept analysis | Nursing Open | 2020 | White-Lewis, Sharon | 10.1002/nop2.377 | |
Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies: State-of-the-Art Review | Nursing Science Quarterly | 2021 | Almasloukh, Khalid Bandar | 10.1177/08943184211051367 | |
Optimal terminology for services in the United States that incorporate horses to benefit people: A
consensus document. | The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 27(1), 88-95. | 2021 | Wood, W., Alm, K., Benjamin, J., Thomas, L., Anderson, D., Pohl, L., & Kane, M. | 10.1089/acm.2020.0415 | |
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